Nu Går Vi Mot Mörkare Tider
In November 2021, parts of Scandinavia had a total of 44 hours of sunlight - roughly 1.5 hours per day, and with the shrinking day came seasonal affective disorder, which annually affects 1 in 10 Scandinavians. In an awareness campaign I concepted these shirts and totes to both normalize and educate people on SAD. The first design translates from Swedish to “now we are going towards darker times,” while looking bright and ever-positive. The rougher and edgier second design reads “now we are going towards brighter/lighter times.” This juxtaposition of themes, meant to be worn at the beginning of fall for the happy-looking “darker times” and at the beginning of the year for the darker “brighter times” encourages people to think twice on approaches to tackling seasonal affective disorder.